Brillo, Queens

Vote For Brillo
Brillo was originally the family pet of a home with three young kids and three small dogs. Being the big puppy that she was, sometimes she played too rough with the little dogs – and her parents decided to give her away. At just 11 months old, this sweet, playful, pup ended up in a shelter. You'd think her winsome good looks would mean she found a new home right away, but unfortunately Brillo's first birthday came and went, and she still didn't have a home. But on December 15, 2013, everything changed. A young couple named Austin and Becca found Brillo's photo on the Second Chance Rescue site. They set up an appointment to meet her – it was love at first sight. A week later, she was out of the shelter and in their home. Now their little family is inseparable! Brillo goes to work with Becca, and on hiking trips in the Rocky mountains with Austin. She was there for Austin's marriage to proposal to Becca, and next summer she'll be the pup of honor in their wedding! Life is sweet.



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