Eevee, Houston

Vote For Eevee
My fur child, Eevee, came into my life last year on Mother's Day, and now I'm pretty sure I need her more than she needs me. One day I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw pictures of the most amazingly adorable face I've ever seen! The caption said, "who can find her a good home?!" It was a post from my friend's mom and I immediately commented telling her she may as well take the post down because I was coming to get her! It was love at first sight for sure. I'd never seen a dog bounce off the walls and run around literally smiling the way she did (and still does). I was shocked to find out that she was abandoned on the side of the road in a box! All I could think was, 'their loss!!' She is still definitely a pistol, very protective of me, really athletic (but clumsy), extremely loving, and a total pillow hog! I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world!



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