Odin, San Diego

Vote For Odin
In Feb 2011, I found myself looking for a dog. I knew I wanted to adopt, so I went to my local humane society to check out a few border collies up for adoption (part of a litter). While playing with the rambunctious border collies, I saw a sad, scraggly, fox-looking dog wearing a cone in the kennel next to the pen and asked the attendant what had happened. Turns out "Oakley" had been found wandering by the side of the road, with matted fur (he had to have patches removed), about 4lbs under-weight, diagnosed with glaucoma, lenticular sclerosis, and lens luxation in his right eye. He had it removed at the HS and was being put up for adoption. The attendant asked if I wanted to see him, I gave it a shot, he jumped right into my lap and looked at me with his one, big, sad eye and I was hooked. They took out his stitches and I took him home the same day. He's had bladder stones and teeth removed, but he spends his days getting pets and treats and sleeping contentedly under my desk. :o)



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